PA Cyber

Meet the Class of 2024

May 30, 2024

Let's celebrate our graduating class's achievements, dreams, and stories as they prepare to take the next step in their lives. The following stories cover just a few of the 1,000 graduates from the 2023-2024 academic year.

Senior Spotlights

Selena Smith

Selena is an active member of various academic and extracurricular organizations, including the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, and DECA Club, where she serves as President. Additionally, she holds the position of Vice President in the Student Council and proudly represents the National Society of High School Scholars as an Ambassador.

She played soccer and basketball and in the choir. As an aspiring scholar, she's engaged in internships, such as the SAS Geospatial Internship, and she finds fulfillment in serving as a Sunday School Teacher and CEF Camp Good News Counselor.

"One of my most cherished memories at PA Cyber is our trip to Hershey, PA, for the DECA State Career Development Conference in February 2024. There, my DECA Club and I clinched the second-place award in our event, and I earned recognition for securing one of the top six test scores in my category."

Grateful for the Ambassadors of NSHSS (National Society of High School Scholars) 2023 Scholarship, she eagerly looks forward to pursuing a Mechanical Engineering degree with a minor in Biomedical Engineering at Villanova University. "My ultimate dream is to utilize my engineering expertise to devise innovative solutions for healthcare challenges, particularly in underprivileged communities globally."

Young woman holds trophy that says DECA on it. She is also wearing a medal around her neck.

Selena won a second-place award at the DECA conference in Hershey last winter. She also secured one of the top six test scores in her category.

Elizabeth Brison

Elizabeth is a part of PA Cyber’s Art Club, Musical Theater Club (which she founded), National Art Honor Society, National Honor Society, and Gifted.

Outside of PA Cyber, she is involved in 4H, Girl Scouts, Banned Book Club, Peer Education Program, and Common Ground Teen Center Executive Board. She is a Service Dog Trainer and a Common Ground Teen Center Staff Coordinator and Scheduler. Her equestrian activities include Sunni Bell Show Team, Mountaineer Hunter-Jumper Association Competitor, and English Hunter-Jumper Equestrian.

She says one of her favorite memories at PA Cyber is meeting a group of friends on a zoo field trip who later helped her train her service dog and embrace the service dog community. She is grateful for teachers who have guided her journey, prepared her for college, tailored classes to her needs, and offered unwavering support through every challenge.

Her key accomplishments are 4H PA State Performance Horse Qualifier; Thoroughbred Incentive Program Year-End High Points Winner; and Girl Scouts Bronze, Silver, and (anticipated) Gold Award Recipient.

As for her future, she says, "I plan to attend a 4-year university after graduation, though I haven't officially selected which one at this moment. I will major in Cellular and Molecular Biology and plan to work as a researcher or in a laboratory. My love for animals, including my service dog, Oliver, and my show horse, Famous, inspired me to pursue a path involving animals and biology. I was inspired to choose lab science after attending a PA Cyber DNA extraction field trip, which my teacher, Erin Butler, encouraged me to attend."

Young woman sits in a field while holding a Boston Terrier.

Elizabeth plans to study biology in college. She chose to pursue lab science after attending a PA Cyber field trip where students practiced DNA extraction.

Anna Kosol

Anna is involved in a cultural ensemble showcasing songs, dances, and instrumental pieces from around the world. Dancing has been her passion since the age of 6, and through this ensemble, she has deepened her appreciation for different cultures.

Reflecting on her time at PA Cyber, one standout memory is Mrs. Butler's Physics class during her Junior year. "She was a great teacher and always made class a great experience!"

Regarding achievements, she proudly serves as a member of PA Cyber's Student Council and the National Honor Society. Additionally, she has dedicated her time to volunteering at a children's summer camp for two consecutive years and as a buddy at 'Night to Shine' events, supporting individuals with special needs.

She has a bright future ahead, as her sights are set on attending Geneva College in the fall to pursue a Nursing major. "My ultimate goal is to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and specialize as a Labor and Delivery nurse. Beyond that, I aspire to further my education and become a Nurse Practitioner."

Young woman leaning against a tree. She is wearing a red and blue plaid shirt.

Anna plans to study nursing at Geneva College. She participates in a cultural ensemble showcasing songs, dances, and instrumental pieces from around the world.

Jill Thiele

Jill has been a part of NHS for two years and has a part-time job in the summer. A few years ago, she picked up the hobby of small-bore rifle shooting practice. Since then, she has become a sharpshooter marksman at her local hunting and fishing club. She also enjoys hiking and being outdoors.

Reflecting on her time at PA Cyber, some of her favorite memories are going to the Pittsburgh Zoo, snow tubing, and the Titusville train ride field trip. She says “I also have had some of the best teachers ever. To shout out a few: Mrs. Clites, Mrs. Butler, and Mr. Cowell. The best thing of all is meeting up with another PA Cyber student from history class, who has since become my best friend of three years.”

She says her future is in God's hands, and until then, she will be working at her local farmer’s market!

Jill wearing an orange baseball hat, taking a selfie with a thumbs up, with the woods in the background

She says her future is in God's hands and until then, she will be working at her local farmer’s market!

Dax Slagle-Wisniewski

Beyond his studies, Dax finds joy in activities like exercising, playing the guitar, hitting the slopes for skiing, indulging in video games, and occasionally loves the outdoors. Engaging in dual enrollment at Behrend, he actively participates in the drumline, chess, and philosophy clubs.

Dax says, "My favorite memory of PA Cyber is not some single event. Although I fondly remember my trip to Drake's Well. I cherish the opportunities online schooling gave me. It allowed me to be more diligent in school and take more classes, eventually leading to dual enrollment. It also allowed me to be more independent, helped me take control of my nutrition, and taught me that school was not some obnoxious time sink but a valuable resource. It taught me to be an adult, schedule my time, and do things independently. For that, its value is fathomless."

Dax acknowledges his academic achievements and healthy lifestyle with pride but notes that his most significant growth has been mental, attaining a newfound peace of mind and excitement for the limitless possibilities post-graduation.

His plan for after graduation is to join the US Navy. He says, "I think it's an amazing opportunity to better myself; I want to be someone people remember; I don't want to drift through life; I want to command it."

A picture of Dax's side profile, sepia colored filter over the photo

Dax plans to join the US Navy and hopes to become someone who people remember.

Zennette Zigler

While Zennette is involved in lacrosse and dance, her true passion lies in arts and crafts, fueling her ambition to pursue a career as a fashion designer post-graduation.

Transitioning to PA Cyber during her junior year, Zennette fondly recalls the regional events as her favorite memory. Looking ahead, she envisions herself thriving as a fashion designer and model, driven by the belief that independence paves the way for a smoother journey in life. Additionally, she plans to continue her dance training and dive into acting classes in college, recognizing the importance of staying versatile while engaging in academics.

An action shot of Zennette playing lacrosse. She is holding the lacrosse stick with the ball in the scoop the stick. Her opponent is standing behind her.

While Zennette is involved in lacrosse and dance, her true passion lies in arts and crafts, fueling her ambition to pursue a career as a fashion designer post-graduation.

Landen Chunko

Throughout his time at PA Cyber, Landen primarily focused on his academics. However, he has a cherished memory from freshman year when he connected with a fellow student outside of class during summer break. He says, "It was a new experience for me, and we became close friends over the summer. I think this highlights the importance of the social aspect of online schooling, which I believe students might overlook. I have many fond memories of the teachers at PA Cyber and firmly believe they are among the best in the state."

Currently, he is attending Robert Morris University, and some of his proudest achievements include earning scholarships from the colleges he's applied to and developing his portfolio. His primary goal is to pursue software engineering and computer science, aiming for a bachelor's degree and a potential two additional years for his master's. Ever since he was ten, he's been driven by the dream of becoming a game developer and computer engineer.

Landen smiling at camera, sitting on grass in the woods with his one arm resting under his chin and leg.

Ever since he was ten, Landen has been driven by the dream of becoming a game developer and computer engineer.

Reem Hmaidan

Reem is deeply involved in volunteer work at the center she attends, which includes teaching Arabic, and providing any assistance wherever is needed.

At the start of her 11th grade year, she initially anticipated physics to be a daunting subject. However, upon meeting the wonderful Mrs. Butler, her perspective shifted, and she developed a profound love for the class.

Also, during her 11th grade year, she received the Student of the Month Award for the month of April. This achievement brought me immense joy and served as further motivation to strive for excellence.

Her ultimate aspiration is to pursue a career in dentistry and specialize as an orthodontist. She is passionate about the idea of enhancing patients' confidence by creating perfect smiles. Her goal is to graduate from college and turn these dreams into reality.

Reem is sitting on a white chair with her bubble tea sitting on the arm of her chair and her arm is resting under her chin.

Reem's ultimate aspiration is to pursue a career in dentistry and specialize as an orthodontist.

Kori Reppert

Devoted to her animals, she loves spending time with them and training her husky rescue, Sage, and her rescued cat, Luna. You can find Kori outside fishing, canoeing, and enjoying vintage car shows with her boyfriend.

One of her standout memories from PA Cyber was winning Prom Queen in 2023. She says, "It was unforgettable! Whether it's on the Gateway Clipper or exploring Pittsburgh, Prom nights are always a blast." Field trips, especially to the zoo and around the city on a double-decker bus, were highlights, as were trivia game days with her PA Cyber friends.

For post-graduation, she's set on furthering her education at the Vet Tech Institute in Pittsburgh, with aspirations to dive into the business side of animal care. Ultimately, she dreams of owning a pet grooming and daycare center catering to dogs, cats, and small animals

Kori wearing a prom queen crown, standing in front of a PA Cyber branded photo backdrop. She's wearing a short blue dress with a white flower corsage.

Kori is set on furthering her education at the Vet Tech Institute in Pittsburgh, with aspirations to dive into the business side of animal care.

Abigail Hagopian

Abigail is an active member of the Student Council, Math Club, Art Club, Connect Bible Club, Book of the Month Club, and the STAR program. She was a volunteer tutor with IMPACT for six years and an independent volunteer math tutor. She also played soccer for fourteen years!

“One of my favorite memories at PA Cyber would have to be our Student Council’s trip to Altoona, PA, for the Pennsylvania Association of Student Councils (PASC) State Leadership Convention in September 2023,” she says. “I was able to meet several good friends, and we finally announced that our student council will be cohosting the next PASC State Convention in November 2024! Equally as exciting, I also got to witness Mrs. Davis, one of our advisors, awarded the 2023 PASC State Advisor of the Year title, which I nominated her for! It was a surreal moment, and I could not have been happier for her. I am so proud of our council and all we have accomplished over the years.”

Her accomplishments while attending PA Cyber include being president of the Student Council for two years. Co-founder and president of the Math Club and president of PA Cyber’s Mu Alpha Theta (National Math Honor Society) chapter, as well as a member of the National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society, and Spanish National Honor Society.

She praises her teachers and says she wants to be like them one day. Abigail plans to pursue an education degree in the near future. She says, “After graduation, I plan to take a gap year before attending Gettysburg College on an academic merit scholarship to study education. Throughout my time at PA Cyber, I have been blessed to have many incredible teachers who are so passionate and knowledgeable about their respective subjects and truly care about their students. I can only hope that I will one day be like them. Their support, as well as the children I’ve had the joy of working with throughout my time as a summer camp counselor and volunteer tutor, have inspired me to pursue a career in teaching.”

Abigail wearing a dress, standing in the middle of the frame, with yellow tree's in the background

Abigail plans to take a gap year before attending Gettysburg College on an academic merit scholarship to study education.

Donovan Patrick

A few years ago, Donovan got involved in the 3D Printing and Laser Cutting clubs led by Joel Cilli. That interested him in 3D fabrication; now 3D printing is his major hobby! He has also been a member of the Student Council for two years, and he says, “It has been an excellent opportunity to work with other students on awesome projects bigger than myself!”

One of his favorite memories at PA Cyber was during the Gettysburg field trip in 2023. He met up with a close friend who was also a classmate and one of his favorite teachers, Ms. Velte. She even brought along their class mascot, Dwayne "The Rock"! He wants to shout out many of his great teachers at PA Cyber, but his favorite ones include Mr. Lewis, Mr. Cilli, Ms. Velte, Mrs. Butler, and Mr. Gelzheiser. Saying, “They have all been positive influences in my life.”

After graduating, Donovan plans to take a gap year and work. In Fall 2025, he plans to attend Appalachian Bible College (ABC) for one year of Bible classes and General Education. He says, "My personal goal is to grow both as a Christian and as a person. Additionally, I intend to pursue a career in 3D fabrication and work towards becoming an entrepreneur."

Donovan smiling at the camera wearing a plaid shirt, with a park in the background

Donovan plans to take a gap year and work. In fall of 2025, he plans to attend Appalachian Bible College for one year of Bible classes and General Education.

Katie Finley

In her Junior year, Katie switched to PA Cyber to maintain her participation in United States Equestrian Foundation competitions alongside her two cherished horses, Oso and Cleo. Having ridden since age five, she's devoted countless weekly hours to the care and training of her equine companions.

With national rankings, Katie has consistently excelled in equestrian competitions, securing spots in numerous national finals over the years. Despite her rigorous training schedule, she's maintained a flawless 4.0 GPA. Recently, she received the esteemed Laddie G. Andahazy Horsemen's Cup, a recognition from professional trainers applauding her sportsmanship, horsemanship, and time management skills.

Having earned multiple academic scholarships, Katie looks forward to pursuing her college education in Florida, where she intends to major in Marine Biology. Alongside her studies, she aspires to maintain her competitive edge with her horse, Oso, for the foreseeable future.

Katie on her horse, jumping over an obstacle at an equestrian competition. Crowd in the background watching.

Katie looks forward to pursuing her college education in Florida, where she intends to major in Marine Biology.

Tori Wasser

Tori is a full-time student at Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet (CPYB) in Carlisle. She began dancing at the age of four at Cambria Dance Academy. Tori attended a 5-week summer intensive at CPYB in 2022 & 2023, where she auditioned and was accepted into their year-round program. She started attending drop-in classes on weekends during the 2022 academic year and eventually moved to Carlisle in September of 2023 and is now part of their full-time training curriculum. She will continue training at CPYB throughout the summer and the 2024-2025 academic year.

Tori started attending PA Cyber during the pandemic for her freshman year, and soon realized that PA Cyber offered the flexibility she needed to accommodate her vigorous dance schedule.

Tori received a scholarship in 2019 to attend Power PAK, a week-long summer dance program held in Disney Orlando. Tori received another scholarship in 2020 to attend the Joffrey NYC Summer Intensive in New York, where she returned in 2021.

Tori is on a professional dance trajectory with CPYB and is pursuing a professional ballet career.

Tori wearing a long sparkly dress, standing in front of a river on a bridge, with a bridge and city buildings in the background. It's dark outside and city lights are shining.

Tori is on a professional dance trajectory with Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet and pursuing a professional ballet career.

Addison Pandolph

Meet Addison, our first Alumni Spotlight from the Class of 2024!

Addison has been immersed in the world of dance since the age of 3, mastering ballet, pointe, jazz, and tap with passion and dedication.

Outside of dancing, she is an active member of the Scouts! In 2019, she was among the first females to join Scouts BSA in French Creek Council and one of the first Scouts BSA female youths in the Order of the Arrow Langundowi Lodge #46. A short time after joining, she became the Lodge's parliamentary, and last May, she was elected to be the Lodge's Vice Chief of ICE. She is also the Head Female Dancer with the Lodge's Drum and Dance Team. This past October, she was among the first two females to receive Vigil Honor in the Lodge. And this past March, she was the second youth female to receive the Lodge's highest honor, the "Golden Pine Award." Addison is also a founding member of Sea Scout Ship 2532 of French Creek Council, BSA. She is currently the Ship's Purser and the French Creek Council Boatswain.

This summer, she will attend her second National Order of the Arrow Conference as a support staff member. She plans to obtain her nail technician certification and become a nail tech. Addison is also planning to start her own repurposing business soon.

We are #PACyberProud of Addison and all her achievements during her time at PA Cyber. Here's to cheering her on in all her future endeavors!

Collage of Addison. Left picture of her in a white ballet outfit. Top right picture of her wearing a sash, with a lake in the background. Bottom right picture of her posed in a head to toe purple outfit

Esabella Devita

Meet Esabella, a recent PA Cyber graduate. During her time at PA Cyber, her accomplishments include becoming a math tutor, cofounding Math Club, and being accepted by the National Honor Society, Art NHS, and Mu Alpha Theta. She says, "In my eight years here at PA Cyber, I've never once had a bad experience; Mr. Abel and Mr. Scuilli have been the cornerstones of my educational and personal growth during my high school years, and I truly couldn't be more thankful."

Outside of school, she is an avid artist who uses many mediums, including knitting, sewing, and drawing. When she's not at a desk working on her latest project, you can find her diving into a novel, roller skating, going on walks, or baking!

As for her future, she plans to take a gap year while exploring shadowing opportunities and continue to expand her inventory for her self-owned small business. After discovering her career path of interest, she looks forward to attending college to pursue it.

We are #PACyberProud of Esabella and all her achievements during her time at PA Cyber. Here's to cheering her on in all her future endeavors!

Fadila Sibay

Meet Fadila, a recent PA Cyber graduate. While at PA Cyber, she was a member of NHS, NHAS, Book Club, Art Club, and Student Council. She was also an IMPACT tutor. Outside school, she was involved in a basketball club and volunteered at Pegasus Therapeutic Riding Academy. Some of her hobbies include sewing, drawing, and playing Badminton!

She says, "My biggest accomplishments, though, are the improvements in my hobbies. I feel like PA Cyber provided me with the time to focus on myself and explore my interests. My sewing and drawing/painting skills have come a long way from how they used to be."

She plans on attending a university in Philadelphia and majoring in Architecture. After she gets her degree, she wants to find a nice company to work for, and maybe someday, she can start her own architecture firm. However, Fadila expresses that she still wants to do art on the side.

We are #PACyberProud of Fadila and all her achievements during her time at PA Cyber. Here's to cheering her on in all her future endeavors!